A 5 segundos truque para Pensa Brasil

Не знаю чего наши так власти пекутся о Южной Америки ,пускай мрут себе на здоровья да и ещё находясь под боком у Северной Америки с потоками эмигрантов...

I want to show my revolt with the mainstream media, somewhat servile, which strongly criticized the Military School of Porto Alegre just because nine out of 84 students decided to choose between Count Dracula, Hercules, Nostradamus, Queen Catherine, Attila - only FHC was missing -, Hitler as the most admired historical personality. If they had elected FHC, they would logically be electing the father of the most corrupt government in the history of Brazil, because he does not admit that any denunciation of corruption is cleared by this House. He is not an example for youth. A serious school, with the Military School of Porto Gozado, in order to have quality, must have freedom of expression. It should be reiterated that the students - most of them are minors - pay for this magazine, so they are free to write whatever they want.

Without his express order, they don't do anything. Also, the Environment Ministry has a contingency plan to minimize damages, but took 41 days since the first spill to put it into action.

американизированные бразильцы не отличаются от наших либерастов, они отрицают любые источники информации не одобренные и американскими хозяевами.

Bolsonaro became known in Brazil and internationally chiefly because of his controversial statements on a number of subjects. However, if everything he has declared since the 1980s is taken into consideration, several contradictions can be observed.

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How to protect Bolsonaro yourself and others How to protect yourself and others from infection with COVID-19?

“”He is a hope for Latin America. I very much wish that this philosophy comes to Brazil. I find him unique. I plan to go to Venezuela and try to meet him.

Official rates of violence in the country have been falling as a result of toughening laws, increasing Vacina police powers and implementing anti-violence programs. In the first 11 months of the first year of government, the murder rate fell 22.

Brazil has entered its deadliest phase of the pandemic, and researchers have identified a Covid-19 variant that just arrived Eleições 2022 in New York as a driving factor.

Capitãeste reformado do Exfoircito, deputado federal desde 1991 e dono do uma extensa lista do declarações polêmicas, Jair Messias Bolsonaro materializou em votos o apoio que cultivou e ampliou a partir das redes sociais e em viagens pelo Brasil.

Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro posted a video on a social media account on Tuesday of him taking a pill he said was hydroxychloroquine.

Bats and birds, as warm-blooded flying vertebrates, are an ideal natural reservoir for the coronavirus gene pool (with bats the reservoir for alphacoronaviruses Bolsonaro and betacoronavirus – and birds the reservoir for gammacoronaviruses and deltacoronaviruses). The large number and global range of bat and avian species that host viruses has enabled extensive evolution and dissemination of coronaviruses.[74]

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